Make the space to create

I know when I’m running low on creativity.  I stop writing.  

I’m happiest when I’m learning, and I learn by doing.  By creating stuff.  Tearing things apart and putting them back together, differently.  And then my brain starts popping and I need to get it out, share it, write it up. Otherwise, I would literally explode.  

To be creative, you have to make the space to create. So what slows me down? Life.

Creative Blockers

Having a baby will do it.  Which I did.  You focus your efforts on integrating this bundle of joy into your everyday.  No complaints here, just life!

Leading others will also do it.  You become the oil in the engine with the goal of making others successful.  You create less, and facilitate more. Again, no complaints here, that’s the job.

And then there’s family.  Immediate and extended family drama is part and parcel of living.  It takes energy to deal with the drama that has its peaks and troughs.  So many complaints here, but we all have them.  

Creative Unlocks

Stop making excuses.  Deal with your reality.  Make space to create. Develop creative habits.

I know some folks that create something new everyday. I’m going lower my creative bar a create a few things every week to build up my creative muscle.  I want a sustainable habit and that means making the ask achievable.

So last week I created a new exercise routine. I call it R3S2 where:

  • S2 is Strength and Stretch, every day, for 15 mins
  • R3 is Ride, Run, or Row, at least three times per week, for 45 mins

As I get older, it’s important to maintain mobility (S2) using a mixture of free weights, pilates on the reformer, and yoga.  And cardio (R3) for that healthy heart. 

I also created a bunch of Python applications in preparation for a deeper dive into AI/ML operations I’m super interested in.

Finally, I committed to reading a book.

Make the space to create

And so I’ve started to write again.  And if you’re reading this, I hope you get something from it.  

Now go ahead and unlock your creativity.  And please, no excuses. Make the space to create.

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One Response to Make the space to create

  1. Pingback: Into the metaverse - Cleve Gibbon

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