Cleve Gibbon

content management, content modelling, digital ecosystems, technology evangelist.

Stepping Stones to Intelligence

We are rapidly accelerating toward a world of intelligent systems. The stepping stones to intelligence are clear:

  • Data: It is the fuel, creating information from which we can glean insights and generate ideas.
  • Digitisation: Provides ubiquitous access to everything, everywhere.
  • Platforms: Facilitate scaled interactions between producers and consumers.
  • Language: Offers a common vocabulary for communication across the enterprise.
  • Intelligence for the Masses: Increases the amount of and access to intelligence.

Each of these stepping stones to intelligence represents a paradigm shift. They have been progressing rapidly and independently, converging toward an intelligence-powered future.

stepping stones to intelligence


Data, derived from the Latin word datum, means something given. Brands enhance their experiences to increase customer interactions, collecting data as a result. This data is the fuel for future growth; the more you have, the greater your opportunities to monetize it.


Digitization is the first D in Peter Diamandis’ 6D model of technological disruption leading to exponential growth. Digital data is easy to access, share, and distribute. It is the currency of the information economy, enabling digitization.


Successful business platforms like Spotify, Airbnb, Uber, Netflix, and Amazon (SAUNA) drive massive value. They facilitate scaled interactions, exchanging units of value such as music, stays, rides, shows, and products. Enabled by the internet, platform businesses democratize access to digital data.


The language of business is critical to success. It varies by sector, category, practice area, region, and specialization. For example, the language used in the US market for commerce to sell electric vehicles in the automotive sector. Making this language external for both humans and machines is a significant AI challenge.


The amount of and access to intelligence are increasing exponentially. Machine intelligence is rapidly surpassing human intelligence. Democratizing access to this intelligence across corporate and consumer landscapes opens limitless possibilities.

In Summary

Imagine an AI continent with 1 billion smart workers, paid in a few watts per day. They work tirelessly and only need instructions. These future digital workers are mobilizing today, marketed as copilots, agents, companions, and assistants. So, integrating them into blended teams or teams of teams is the next challenge.

Help writing help documentation

Creating help documentation is a skill. It is usually not one that is done well by those responsible for building the solution. But you can get help writing help documentation. I recently discovered Synthesia and Scribe, two AI solutions that make the creation of help docs easier. 

Enter Synthesia 


Who doesn’t like video? Synthesia makes it super simple to create help documentation using its library of avatars. Just pick an avatar, enter text in the language of your choosing, and have it speak to your solution. Then generate, share the video, and your done! 

Enter Scribe 

I love Scribe. Just hit the generate button and it will capture how you move about the screen. It’s smart, automatically creating how-to guides. Saving you the hassle of screenshots, annotating them, and then assembling them. Scribe shortens the distance between creation to curation for documentation.  

Three simple data questions

Information is useful and useable data.  During a typical working day, a business hopes to close with more valuable information than it started with.  The broader goal(s) is to better understand “this” in order to achieve “that” – whatever this and that may be for your business!  

Regardless, digitization creates meaningful and modular data chunks that enable information exchange to take place anytime, anywhere, by anyone. Data literally moves at the speed of light.  That’s how digital business is conducted today.  Always on platform businesses – Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Spotify, Uber – never close.

Three important data questions

90% of company assets on the balance sheet today are intangible. Let that sink in – 90%!  Digital businesses place a lot of value on insights, information, intelligence, and IP.  This requires digital businesses to really deeply understand the data they manage.

So start by asking:

  1. What data have you got?
  2. What format is your data in?
  3. What data can you access to augment your data?

Simple questions that have a difficult path to the answers.  However, these answers are critical to your future business success.  The bigger the company, the greater the challenge.  When talking about data management in the broader sense, do you have answers to these three simple questions?  


I’m a Londoner living in America.  However, I still need a UK number primarily for banking purposes.  Security is real. However, mobile provider tariff plans are both complicated and costly.  So how do you get a reliable UK number with the least amount of pain? 

My brother introduced me to Devyce. One phone. Two numbers.  Devyce is a regular mobile app.  Once installed, you pay a monthly subscription fee for unlimited UK texts and calls. Devyce sits on your phone with no additional SIM card required. Just like WhatsApp using the UK number that comes with your subscription. All you need is an internet connection. Problem solved.

So how much?  My personal plan is less $8 per month people. Devyce is a smart, simple and scaleable solution. It also offers plans for teams and businesses. I think everyone should know about Devyce. Consider yourself told!

WPP Sitecore Alliance

Last week was big week.  It had nothing to do with hitting Vegas and everything to do with activating the WPP Sitecore Alliance.  What is that?

wpp sitecore alliance logowpp sitecore alliance logo

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About Cleve Gibbon

Hey, I’m Cleve and I love technology. A former academic that moved into fintech to build trading platforms for investment banks. 20 years ago I switched to marketing and advertising. I joined a content technology spin-off from the Publicis network that was bought by WPP in 2014. I'm now at Omnicom. These pages chronicle a few of things I've learnt along the way…

My out-of-date cv tells you my past, linked in shares my professional network and on twitter you can find out what I'm currently up to.