Cleve Gibbon

content management, content modelling, digital ecosystems, technology evangelist.

Content Modeling Series

We’re in the middle of a paradigm shift from unstructured content towards structured content.  We need to revisit the way we capture, classify, organise and store content.  We need models to define structured content.  Processes to help design them.  Peoples to do the work.  This content modeling series provides a lightweight introduction to content models.  We are using content modeling as the design approach and content models as a communication tool for structured content.

Content Modeling Series Agenda

About Cleve Gibbon

I'm a technologist passionate about enabling consumers, employees, and clients do more with less, whilst having fun at the same time.

My sort of up-to-date cv tells you my past, linked in shows you my professional network and on twitter you can find out what I'm currently doing.