Cleve Gibbon

content management, content modelling, digital ecosystems, technology evangelist.

Content Modelling Resources

A few years back I read Bob Boiko‘s  Content Management Bible. As a technologist, I loved the detail and highly recommend it for anyone getting into content modelling and XML.

However, if content modelling is to be embraced by everyone we need to bring it up a level. A content model is communications tool for intelligent content.  It’s for multi-disciplinary project teams.  We have to separate the how (database, XML, CMS) from the what (content types and their inter-relationships).  Less XML and database speak, initially, and more boxes and arrows.  This will help people get to grips with content modeling.  Today, people are avoiding it.  It’s not clicking with them.  Even worse, it’s falling to technologists to fill in the business gaps.

The good news is that there are more and more people, with different perspectives, talking intelligently about content modeling:

All content modeling advocates. All seeing the benefits of content modeling within content strategy.  Also, we are seeing the rise in attendance at key content conferences, such as Confab, Intelligent Content and Content Marketing. This is all good news.


Content Modelling Slideshares


About Cleve Gibbon

I'm a technologist passionate about enabling consumers, employees, and clients do more with less, whilst having fun at the same time.

My sort of up-to-date cv tells you my past, linked in shows you my professional network and on twitter you can find out what I'm currently doing.